
Lately I’ve been wondering about why Donald Trump is the President of the United States of America. It only took one day for it to change. I know my dad keeps telling me there are good people in the world, that the world is not as bad as it seems. My friend says in some areas time goes backwards; in other areas time goes forwards; in the middle time stays static. What he means by that quote is that society, overall, is moving forward, but certain sections of society are isolated and polarized and make bad decisions based on their own unique view of the world. For example, in Alabama, one of the Republican Senate candidates, Roy Moore, uses Christianity as a blanket for his bad behavior. I still can’t believe that he touched a 14 year old child inappropriately and that people believe he didn’t do it. It’s frustrating. Even worse, at one of his rallies, he was surrounded by one of these “Christian morality groups.” It’s disgusting.

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