How much security is too much security?

President Donald Trump goes around in a motorcade consisting of eight police cars, three secret service vans, two army trucks and one limousine, in which he has his bodyguards sitting beside him. Is that really necessary? Oh yeah, I forgot. Air Force One is grenade-proof and has anti-aircraft flares, bullet-proof windows. The list of unnecessary security features could go on for paragraphs. There are many bad people out there who, every now and then, threaten to kill the president. I get it. In the 1960s, before Kennedy’s assassination, he was in an open-air convertible. Maybe he needed more security. But now, with all the bullet-proof windows and extra soldiers, it seems excessive protection for one person. Don’t make me go into his security at Trump Tower. To tell you the truth, I wish I had that much security myself. But can’t he just get rid of at least one of those armored vehicles? They almost cause a traffic jam near the White House whenever he tries to park. It’s gross and disgusting. Even congressmen and congresswomen don’t have that much security. When somebody threatens to kill them, they have to wait for the Capitol Police, who can only get there so quickly. In the baseball practice shooting in Virginia earlier this year, Republican lawmakers had to wait a few minutes before police could get to them. Thank god the Alexandria police were there to cover for them. It could have been a massacre.  Security needs to be spread out among important people. Too much for one person, even the President, and too little for others, such as congress people, doesn’t work. When it comes to security, there needs to be a balance between what’s too much and what’s too little.

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